Other Associations:
AACA - Arizona Association of Crime Analysts
CCAA - Colorado Crime Analysis Association
CCIAA - California Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association
IACA - International Association of Crime Analysts
IACP - International Association of Chiefs of Police
IALEIA - International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts
FCIAA - Florida Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association
PERF - Police Executive Research Forum
MACA - Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts
MACIA - Minnesota Association of Criminal Intelligence Analysts
NORCAN - Northwest Regional Crime Analyst Network
TALEA - Tennessee Association of Law Enforcement Analysts
VCAN - Virginia Crime Analysis Network
Government Associations:
COPS Office - Community Oriented Policing Office
POP Center - Center for Problem Oriented Policing
FBI UCR - Uniform Crime Reporting
BJA - Bureau of Justice Assistance
Other Resources: